Thanks for signing up for Online Gym! I know there are a lot of options out there, so I am grateful that you chose ME to help YOU. I am a personal trainer and gym owner of almost 20 years. I have worked with a broad range of clients, most of whom are just looking to improve the quality of their life. I have worked with some of these clients for 2 decades! These clients once had exciting short term goals, but as the years went on, we had to shift our thinking from quick fix to lifestyle. Which is really the way it should be.
I have the time and resources to actually help you. That means responding to any question you have, quickly and effectively, and putting in the work to make sure you're successful. With AI making it's way into the fitness industry, you can count on having a real human to support you.
How to Breathe
The most important thing is that you are not holding your breath while you lift weights. You may get lightheaded and may not be properly fueling your muscles with oxygen.
The best way to breathe is to practice inhaling through your nose during the eccentric or stretching portion of each rep and exhale during the concentric or work part of the rep. For example, if you are squatting, inhale on the way down and exhale on the way up. If you are doing a pushup, inhale on the way down and exhale on the way up. For a row, it would be the opposite… you would inhale as you straighten your arms and exhale as you pull back and bend your arms.​
Rest and Progress
Take enough rest to recover fully, so you can tackle the next set effectively without losing your breath or compromising your form. Short rest periods can offer a cardiovascular benefit, but you will be sacrificing strength and muscle gain.
Here's a tip on progression and picking the right weight. If you can do the prescribed sets and weights easily, the next time you do the exercise you should increase the weight by 5-10 pounds. With bands, you could increase the tension or adjust your positioning. Another option is increasing the number of reps. Additionally, on the final set of any exercise you want to go until you can't go anymore. Going to failure is a great way to build strength and muscle.